2021 Lothario

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2021 Lothario
2021 Lothario

Lothario is a Mourve­dre dom­i­nant blend with Grenache.

"Dark and brood­ing in the glass, the 2019 Lothario slow­ly opens with an array of dried rose­mary and sage off­set by crushed ashen stone and a core of dried black cher­ries. This flows like liq­uid, vel­vety, rich and sup­ple, with a fleshy wave of ripe red and black fruits per­fect­ly bal­anced by brisk acid­i­ty. Near­ly seam­less and quite pol­ished in feel, the 2019 embraces the palate with a web of fine tan­nins and wild blue­ber­ry nuances. Cit­rus hints punc­tu­ate the expe­ri­ence quite nice­ly. The Lothario is a blend of 59% Mourvèdre and 41% Grenache." 94 pts
- Eric Gui­do from Vinous
“seduc­er, amorous­ly atten­tive to women”
Okay, I took a few lib­er­ties here! It’s real­ly a wom­an­iz­er, a Don Juan, but I thought I’d give it a pos­i­tive con­no­ta­tion. Most guys think they are lotharios.
It’s real­ly named after a good friend and men­tor (not a Lothario), named Lothar. Lothar strong­ly encour­aged me to pur­sue this dream, and even bridged me to get the project going. I thought the least I could do was name a wine after him!
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