2018 sisu

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2018 sisu
2018 sisu

sisu is a Syrah dom­i­nant blend of Syrah, Grenache, and Mourvedre.

Volume750 ml
Artificially CarbonatedNo
Sparkling WineNo
The 2018 Sisu is a blend of 52% Syrah, 24% Mourvè­dre and 24% Grenache. it has a pale ruby-pur­ple col­or and scents of rhubarb and blue­ber­ries with notes of aniseed, woodsmoke and tobac­co. The medi­um-bod­ied palate offers flo­ral and spicy accents that emerge with bursts of fresh acid­i­ty, and it fin­ish­es very long and fra­grant with amaro accents. So pret­ty! 95 pts
— Erin Brooks, Wine Advocate December 2022

Finnish for, ​“patience, per­se­ver­ance, and sta­mi­na”, this is a word that is used to describe the Finnish peo­ple. It’s con­sid­ered a big com­pli­ment to tell a Finn that they have​“sisu”.

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