2022 Rosie

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2022 Rosie
2022 Rosie

Named after my mom, Rose, and a name my dad called my mom, Rosie is a saignée of most of the red fruit we grow.

The blend varies from year to year but I strive to let Grenache, Mourve­dre, and Counoise dominate.

Vin­tage depen­dent, small amounts of Syrah, Caber­net Sauvi­gnon, and Petite Sir­ah are included.

Volume750 ml
Artificially CarbonatedNo
Sparkling WineNo

Like vaalea, I do a pro­gres­sive fer­men­ta­tion by adding the vari­etals as they are har­vest­ed to the same steel. The wine does not see mal­o­lac­tic fer­men­ta­tion, is fined and filtered.

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Price $38.00
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